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We do our best to provide Wholesale Replica Bags the most accurate descriptions and photographs of our product. Please read item descriptions and view images carefully prior to making a purchase as vintage items may have some Handbags Replica wear.

We offer store credit or exchange on returned items unless the high quality replica handbags item replica handbags china has been grossly misrepresented, in which case a refund may be granted. Store credit is valid for 12 months from issue date.

Merchandise must be returned with a tracking number replica handbags online (local and international returns) as we cannot Replica Bags be held responsible for lost shipments Replica Handbags The minimum first deposit on a lay Fake Handbags by purchase is 30% of the total item price, including shipping. A lower initial deposit payment may be negotiated on a case by case basis, however, this replica Purse is solely at the discretion of Cara Mia Vintage.

If the purchaser fails to complete the transaction within the aaa replica designer handbags stipulated time period, the transaction will be voided and all wholesale replica designer handbags monies paid will be forfeited.


Cara Mia Vintage prides ourselves on offering only the best most well preserved vintage pieces to our clientele you will never find anything in our shop with odours, significant staining or major structural issues. All vintage pieces are thoroughly laundered or dry cleaned before being sent out to our customers. Our vintage pieces are rated according purse replica handbags to their condition in each product listing. Additionally, as vintage sizing varies wildly, the ‚Best for‘ or ‚Fits like‘ size is our estimate of the product’s size in modern sizing, Replica Designer Handbags measured in XS, S, M or L.

XS: AU 6 8, US 0 2, UK 6 8, FR 34 36, IT 38 40, JP 5 7

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M: AU 10 12, US 4 6, UK 10 12, FR 38 40, IT 42 44, JP 9 11

L: AU 12 14, US 6 8, UK 12 14, FR 40 42, IT 44 46, JP 11 13

All measurements are provided in both inches and cm

All measurements are taken with the garment laying flat, so users should double for accuracy

For best fit, follow these measurement tips:

Bust: For bust size measure around your chest at the fullest point of your bra cup. Make Fake Designer Bags sure to go under your arms, not around them!

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Hips: Stand with your heels together, keeping tape straight and parallel to the floor. Measure around the Replica Bags Wholesale fullest part of your hips.

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